Monday, March 19, 2007

Moving slowly forward with the 23 things

I too feel "behind" but then I counted out the weeks and hey folks, we are only finishing up week 3 and I'm ready to look at the RSS & Newsreaders---those of you more experienced bloggers---be patient with us. I am reading your postings and learning from them but haven't felt the need to comment much. The Economist has a one page editorial about the Web 2.0 world from the guy who invented the web. He says web 2.0 is just the tip of the iceberg---he sees everything becoming mobile---Dick Tracey's watch? Beam me up Scottie?

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Learning to Use an MP3 player

I am finding that it is the little things that cause me problems. I find that instructions assume that you know how these gadgets generally work and don't provide the detail I need. Yesterday, I decided to download an Overdrive book to an MP3 player. I had never used an MP3 player so I had the manual in hand. I couldn't use the joystick navigator to move the selections on the screen---just wasn't doing something right. I had the book on the MP3 player but couldn't access it because I couldn't figure out how the navigator joystick worked. Bev and Morgan assisted me and of course it seemed so obvious once "I got it". I remember the first time I tried to use an ATM banking machine. I just couldn't see where to put the bank card in the machine---now it seems so clear but back then.....Let's just say my generation has its challenges. I skipped out on the video game/computer game stuff and now I am having to learn some of those tools in order to get into the Web2 environment.

Monday, March 12, 2007

Beechwood10 Equines

Today I posted a picture on my blog---two friends of mine named Sophie and Cupid are featured.

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Choosing colours

I am exploring the options for colour on my blog. I would like to reflect Beech tones and mood---the woods and the long standing beech trees which are aging gracefully. My art skills are long out of practice but I made a couple of minor changes to background colour and title colour and I'll keep tweeking these over the next few days. I will follow this exploration with more things I can do on the blog...but that's for another day.
I'm off for Beechwood10 at the end of another work day.

Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Beechwood10 --the name

Beechwood10 is the name of my home---surrounded by some large beech tree and the property is 10 acres. The beech trees are mostly very old trees and some are dead and down, some are dead and standing and some have just lost limbs and are looking vulnerable. The beech trees make good homes for raccoons, squirrels, wood ducks (in the spring for nesting). Some beech trees produce beech nuts. In pioneer times, the beech trees were not considered worth logging and I think that's why ours have survived to old age---the rest of the bush was logged in the 1940's.

Sunday, March 4, 2007

Leap into blogging

Today, I joined the Middlesex County Library Virtual Team as a blogger. I'm starting on the web 2.0 program called learning 2.0. I think it will be an interesting journey. I couldn't decide whether to keep my blog strictly job related or include some personal stuff. You can see I chose the latter. That way I can have more fun while I work away at this virtual stuff.